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Showing posts from April, 2021

Use these words instead of "Very".

Have you ever noticed that how many times you use word " very ". If you want your English to be perfect and want to sounds like natives, Here's list of words you can use instead of " Very ". Very capable – Accomplished  Very clean – Spotless  Very clever – Brilliant  Very cold – Freezing  Very dirty – Squalid  Very dry – Parched  Very fast – Swift  Very good – Superb  Very happy – Jubilant  Very hot – Scalding  Very hungry – Ravenous  Very large – Colossal  Very light – Imponderable  Very high – Sky-high  Very neat – Immaculate  Very old – Ancient  Very poor – Destitute  Very quiet – Silent  Very rude – Vulgar  Very serious – Solemn  Very small – Tiny  Very strong – Unyielding  Very tasty – Delicious  Very tired – Exhausted  Very valuable – Precious  Very weak – Feeble  Very wet – Soaked  Very wicked – Villainous  Very wise – Sagacious  Very worried – Anxious  Very dangerous – Malignant  Very complex – Overspecified  Very frequent – Continual So, stop using very