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Talk About A TV Show You Like To Watch - IELTS Cue Card

Talk About A TV Show You Like To Watch IELTS Cue Card You should say: What is the program about? When do you watch it? Who do you watch it with? Why do you like to watch it? Sample Answer: • The TV show that I really enjoy watching is "Friends" . It is an American sitcom that originally aired from 1994 to 2004, but it has gained immense popularity worldwide and continues to captivate audiences even today. • What I love about "Friends" is the perfect blend of humor, relatable characters, and engaging storylines. The show revolves around a group of six friends living in New York City, and it follows their everyday lives, relationships, and the hilarious situations they find themselves in. • While I sometimes enjoy watching "Friends" alone, it's also a fantastic show to share with friends or family. Its universal appeal means that it can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds, fostering connections through laughter. • One of the reasons why I en

Describe A Famous Scientist You Know About - IELTS Cue Card

   Join us :   YouTube   and  Instagram . Describe A Famous Scientist You Know About I ELTS Cue Card You should say : Who he or she is? How you know him or her? What he or she invented? And explain why he or she is famous? Sample Answer : Over the past century, numerous scientists have created countless inventions. However, today, I'd like to talk about Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam - The Missile Man of India, who was not only a renowned scientist but also served as the 11th President of India.   I came to know about him through his contributions to space research and missile development in India. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was born on October 15, 1931, in small town call, "Rameswaram," India. He began his early career as an aerospace engineer.  He joined the Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and later the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). His early work involved the development of satellite launch vehicles and ballistic missile technology. One of his signi

Describe A Person You Follow On Social Media - IELTS Cue Card

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe A Person You Follow On Social Media You should say : Who he/she is? How do you know that person? What does that person post on social media? And explain why you follow that person on social media? Sample Answer 1: Michelle Obama. The person I would like to talk about is Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the United States.  I have been following her on various social media platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter, for quite some time now. Michelle Obama is an influential figure known for her advocacy on important social issues and her commitment to empowering others. One of the reasons why I find Michelle Obama inspiring is her dedication to education. Through her social media presence, she frequently highlights the importance of education in transforming lives and empowering individuals. She often shares stories of students overcoming obstacles and achieving remarkable success through their educational pursuits. Her posts serve as a reminder of the

Describe Something That Was Broken In Your Home And Then Repaired - IELTS Cue Card

   Describe Something That Was Broken In Your Home And Then Repaired IELTS Cue Card You should say: - What it is? - How it was broken? - How you got it repaired? - And how you felt about it? "A Precious Family Heirloom: The Clock That Was Broken and Restored" Sample Answer:   Introduction: I'll share the story of a special clock in my home, which not only keeps time but also holds a deep sentimental value as a cherished family heirloom.  I'll recount how this clock was accidentally damaged, the steps we took to get it professionally repaired, and the emotions that swirled within us throughout this journey. How it was broken? One fateful evening, as my younger brother indulged in playing with his toy cars, a sudden mishap occurred.  He inadvertently knocked the clock off the shelf where it had gracefully adorned our home for generations.  The sound of shattering glass and the sight of dislodged delicate clock hands filled the room with a sense of distress. It was a he

Describe a Time When You Lost Your Way - IELTS Cue Card.

Describe a Time When You Lost Your Way IELTS Cue Card (Lost in London) You should say: • When and where did it happen? • How did you feel when you were lost? • How did you find your way out? Let's explore my IELTS Cue Card response about getting lost in London. Discover how I navigated the bustling streets, my emotions during the ordeal, and the lessons learned. I would like to share a personal experience that aligns with an IELTS Cue Card topic: "Describe a Time When You Lost Your Way." This narrative encapsulates my journey through the labyrinthine streets of London, highlighting my emotions while lost and the eventual discovery of a familiar path. Sample Answer: When and Where Did It Happen? The incident occurred on a sunny summer afternoon in 2019 while I was exploring London, specifically the vicinity of the iconic Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.  The day's adventure commenced near the majestic Tower Bridge, spanning the River Thames. How Did I Feel When

Describe a place you visited and met with a lot of people - IELTS Cue Card.

  Describe a place you visited and met with a lot of people IELTS Cue Card ( Eiffel Tower) You should say: - Where it is? - Who you were with? - What people were doing there? - Explain why there were lots of people? Sample Answer: ▶ Last summer, I had the opportunity to visit the breathtaking city of Paris, France, which is undoubtedly one of the world's most popular tourist destinations.  ▶ During my stay, I had the chance to explore the iconic Eiffel Tower. ▶ The Eiffel Tower is a magnificent iron structure that stands tall at 324 meters.  ▶ As I approached this iconic landmark, I was amazed by the sheer number of people who had gathered there. ▶  It seemed as though tourists from all corners of the globe had converged at this iconic site. ▶ Upon arriving at the Eiffel Tower, I joined the long queue of visitors eagerly waiting to ascend to the top.  ▶ While waiting, I struck up conversations with fellow travelers from various countries.  ▶  I met a friendly couple from Japan who

Describe a Traditional Festival That is Important in Your Country - IELTS cue Card

   Welcome to IELTS good score.  Describe a Traditional Festival That is Important in Your Country IELTS Cue Card You should say: •  when the festival occurs? •  what you do during it? •  what you like about it? •  explain why this festival is important. Sample Answer: 🔸Today, I'd like to talk about Diwali, which is one of the most significant and cherished festivals in my country. 🔸Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights, it is celebrated all over in India with immense enthusiasm and joy. 🔸Diwali is also known as Deepavali, which usually falls in the month of October or November, depending on the lunar calendar. 🔸The festival holds deep spiritual and cultural importance, signifying the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. 🔸It's a five-day festival, with the main celebration taking place on the third day. 🔸The festival is marked by a series of rituals and customs. One of the most significant aspects is the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of weal

Describe a Happy Memory from Your Childhood - IELTS CUE CARD

Sample answer for the IELTS speaking part 2 topic:  Describe a Happy Memory from Your Childhood IELTS CUE CARD You should say: What it is? When did it happen? How did you feel at the time? Explain why it is happy memory?  Sample Answer: 🔸Today, I am excited to share with you a heartwarming memory from my childhood that brings a smile to my face even to this day.  🔸This cue card topic, immediately transports me back to a time of innocence, wonder, and pure joy. 🔸The memory I have chosen to share revolves around a delightful family vacation to a quaint seaside village call Thunder Bay . 🔸I was around ten years old when this magical escapade took place. The sun-drenched beaches, the rhythmic sound of the waves, and the laughter of my loved ones created an unforgettable tableau. 🔸The journey to the coastal haven was filled with excitement and anticipation. 🔸As we arrived, the vast expanse of golden sand greeted us, adorned with colorful umbrellas and families basking in the sun. 🔸M

Describe a resolution you made in the New Year - IELTS Cue Card

Welcome to IELTS Good Score. Here's a sample answer for the IELTS speaking part 2 topic:  Describe a resolution you made in the New Year IELTS Cue Card You should say: • What is the resolution? • How will you do it? • What do you feel about it? • Why you made this resolution? Sample answer: 🔸 Well, it is a very common trend that people make new year's resolutions every year. 🔸In the New Year, I made a resolution to prioritize my physical health and adopt a healthier lifestyle.  🔸I had noticed that my sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits were taking a toll on my overall well-being, and I knew it was time for a positive change. 🔸To begin with, I committed myself to regular exercise.  🔸I joined a nearby gym and hired a personal trainer who created a tailored workout plan for me.  🔸Initially, it was quite challenging to stick to the routine, but I reminded myself of the long-term benefits and the positive impact it would have on my health.  🔸Gradually, I started enjoyi

Describe an Art Exhibition that you visited - IELTS Cue Card

  Describe an Art Exhibition that you visited IELTS Cue Card You should say: When and where you visited What the theme was What do you liked there How big was it? Sample Answer : 🔸Art has the power to evoke a range of emotions and make us see the world from different perspectives.  🔸Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the art exhibition at the National Gallery in my city , and I was blown away by the creativity and imagination of the artists. 🔸The exhibition showcased a collection of paintings, sculptures, and photographs from various contemporary artists, each exploring the theme of abstraction.  🔸As I entered the gallery, the first painting that caught my eye was a vibrant piece of artwork that was a mix of colors and shapes. The painting conveyed a sense of energy and movement that captivated me. 🔸Continuing to explore the exhibition, I was intrigued by the use of different materials in some of the pieces. One particular painting used scraps of fabric and thread, and it w

Describe your Dream House - IELTS cue card.

  Describe  Your  Dream House IELTS cue card You should say: Where the house would be located How big it would be What facilities it would have Sample answer: My dream house would be a spacious and modern villa, located in a peaceful and green residential area.  It would have a large garden with beautiful flowers, trees, and a well-manicured lawn. There would be a pool and a gazebo for outdoor entertainment and relaxation. The interior of my dream house would be bright, airy, and elegantly decorated with modern furniture and contemporary art pieces. The living room would be the center of the house and would have comfortable seating arrangements, a fireplace, and large windows overlooking the garden. There would be a separate dining area, where I can host dinner parties and get-togethers. The kitchen would be a cook's dream come true, with high-end appliances, ample counter space, and a large island. There would be a pantry and a separate utility room for storage and laundry. The be

Describe your Favourite Childhood Cartoon - IELTS Cue Card.

Describe your Favourite Childhood Cartoon IELTS Cue Card You should say: The name of the cartoon When you watched it Why you like it What did you learn from it Sample answer: Childhood days are the beginning days of our life. So, toys, games and cartoons means world to a child. Cartoons have been a beloved form of entertainment for children and adults alike for many decades. They have the ability to transport us to fantastical worlds and introduce us to lovable characters. Here, I would like to talk about my favourite childhood cartoon "Tom and Jerry".  I used to watch it every day after school and couldn't wait for the next episode.  The cartoon was about a cat named Tom and a mouse named Jerry who were always getting into hilarious situations.  I loved the witty humor, slapstick comedy, and dynamic animation. One of the things I liked most about the show was the way the characters interacted with each other. Tom would always try to catch Jerry, but no matter what he did

University students always focus on one special subject.

IELTS Writing Task 2. Essay Question : University students always pay attention to particular subjects. However, some people believe that universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition to their own subjects. To what extent do you agree? Sample Answer : It is true that students at the university are now paying more attention to topics related to their future careers. But, some argue that universities should resort to some measures to get their students to study more diverse subjects. Studying more subjects makes students somewhat more mature, yet I believe it is legitimate for them to focus only on their major subjects. On one hand, learning or mastering many subjects brings people more knowledge and a well-rounded perspective on life. It is indisputable that many subjects of tertiary curriculum are practically very important. For example, history teaches younger generations how their ancestors fought against outside intruders and made sacr

Describe a piece of news affected you the most - Covid-19

Describe a piece of news affected you the most.  Covid-19  Ielts cue card You should say: What it was? When you heard/ read about it? What was your reaction? Explain how it affected you? Sample answer: ➢ We hear different types of news every day; Some of them are good,  some are not.  ➢ Many news affects us in positive or negative ways.  ➢ There are many political, financial or strategic developments happening in my country which can be read in the headlines.  ➢ In addition, important sports events, major accidents, epidemics, important developments in entertainment and other industries also get attention in the news.  ➢ Among them, here, I would like to describe a piece of news that affected  the whole world most. It is about the  Covid-19 pandemic . ➢ I have a habit of checking my phone every morning when I wake up. So, one day I saw that coronavirus news was flashing everywhere. ➢ The Corona  pandemic affected millions of individuals worldwide, and the fatality rate was rose as well