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Describe a Happy Memory from Your Childhood - IELTS CUE CARD

Sample answer for the IELTS speaking part 2 topic: 

Describe a Happy Memory from Your Childhood


You should say:

What it is?

When did it happen?

How did you feel at the time?

Explain why it is happy memory? 

Describe a Happy Memory from Your Childhood - IELTS CUE CARD

Sample Answer:

🔸Today, I am excited to share with you a heartwarming memory from my childhood that brings a smile to my face even to this day. 

🔸This cue card topic, immediately transports me back to a time of innocence, wonder, and pure joy.

🔸The memory I have chosen to share revolves around a delightful family vacation to a quaint seaside village call Thunder Bay.

🔸I was around ten years old when this magical escapade took place. The sun-drenched beaches, the rhythmic sound of the waves, and the laughter of my loved ones created an unforgettable tableau.

🔸The journey to the coastal haven was filled with excitement and anticipation.

🔸As we arrived, the vast expanse of golden sand greeted us, adorned with colorful umbrellas and families basking in the sun.

🔸My heart raced with anticipation as I kicked off my shoes and felt the soft, powdery sand beneath my feet for the first time.

🔸The sun seemed to dance on the water, creating a dazzling spectacle that captured my young imagination. 

🔸Armed with pails and shovels, my siblings and I embarked on a mission to build the most magnificent sandcastle the world had ever seen. With each shovel of sand, we laughed, collaborated, and reveled in the simple pleasure of creating something together.

🔸As the day unfolded, we indulged in hearty picnics, devouring sandwiches and fruits with the salty sea breeze as our seasoning. 

🔸The vibrant kites soaring high in the sky painted a vibrant backdrop to our adventures, as we ran along the shoreline, our spirits as unburdened as the seagulls overhead.

🔸But the pinnacle of this memory was yet to come. As the sun began its descent, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, we gathered seashells, crafting a mosaic of memories in the sand.

🔸The moment was a symphony of serenity, a communion of nature and family bonds, etching itself indelibly into my heart.

🔸This memory holds a special place in my heart as a testament to the power of simple pleasures and shared experiences.

🔸It reminds me of the beauty of nature's creations and the warmth of family connections. Whenever life's challenges threaten to cloud my outlook, I revisit this memory, and its vibrant colors rekindle my sense of wonder and gratitude.

🔸The memory of that seaside vacation is a treasure trove of joy that I hold close to my heart. It encapsulates the essence of childhood wonder, family togetherness, and the beauty of nature's canvas. 

🔸Thank you for allowing me to relive this cherished moment with you today.

IELTS Speaking Part 3  Follow-up Questions.

• Why childhood is important?

• How did you spend your childhood?

• What activities do children like to do on vacation?

• Is there any other similar thing you enjoyed as a child?

• What have you learned from that memory ?

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Good luck for the test.


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