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Showing posts from August, 2023

Describe a Traditional Festival That is Important in Your Country - IELTS cue Card

   Welcome to IELTS good score.  Describe a Traditional Festival That is Important in Your Country IELTS Cue Card You should say: •  when the festival occurs? •  what you do during it? •  what you like about it? •  explain why this festival is important. Sample Answer: 🔸Today, I'd like to talk about Diwali, which is one of the most significant and cherished festivals in my country. 🔸Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights, it is celebrated all over in India with immense enthusiasm and joy. 🔸Diwali is also known as Deepavali, which usually falls in the month of October or November, depending on the lunar calendar. 🔸The festival holds deep spiritual and cultural importance, signifying the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. 🔸It's a five-day festival, with the main celebration taking place on the third day. 🔸The festival is marked by a series of rituals and customs. One of the most significant aspects is the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of weal

Describe a Happy Memory from Your Childhood - IELTS CUE CARD

Sample answer for the IELTS speaking part 2 topic:  Describe a Happy Memory from Your Childhood IELTS CUE CARD You should say: What it is? When did it happen? How did you feel at the time? Explain why it is happy memory?  Sample Answer: 🔸Today, I am excited to share with you a heartwarming memory from my childhood that brings a smile to my face even to this day.  🔸This cue card topic, immediately transports me back to a time of innocence, wonder, and pure joy. 🔸The memory I have chosen to share revolves around a delightful family vacation to a quaint seaside village call Thunder Bay . 🔸I was around ten years old when this magical escapade took place. The sun-drenched beaches, the rhythmic sound of the waves, and the laughter of my loved ones created an unforgettable tableau. 🔸The journey to the coastal haven was filled with excitement and anticipation. 🔸As we arrived, the vast expanse of golden sand greeted us, adorned with colorful umbrellas and families basking in the sun. 🔸M