Health vocabulary
words with meaning
IELTS Speaking Vocabulary.
A list of common health vocabulary with definitions. Health related vocabulary for IELTS writing Task 2 and speaking test. These details will help you in writing about the essay topic or speaking about it during the examination. If these questions arise, it might also benefit you with your reading test.
A vocabulary of topics related to health, fitness, and nutrition. Here is a list of phrases and words for health and fitness.
▶ Addict - a person, who is obsessed (addicted) by (to) something, drugs or alcohol, for example.
▶ A check-up - an examination done by a doctor.
▶ A runny nose - a nose that has liquid coming out of it.
▶Alive and kicking - to continue being well and healthy.
▶Allergy - a rash is caused by the body's aberrant reactivity to certain meals or environmental substances.
▶ Back pain - severe pain in back.
▶Blood pressure - the rate at which blood circulates through the body - high or low.
▶Cancer - a disease caused by excessive cell growth.
▶Chronic disease - a type of disease that continues to occur for a long time.
▶Diet - the food which is full of nutritious and low in fat and sugar.
▶Epidemic - when disease spreads very quickly and effects a large number of people.
▶Fever - higher body temperature than normal.
▶ Fitness - the sate of being physically fit and healthy.
▶Flu - variety of respiratory and intestinal illnesses spread through a virus.
▶ Headache - severe pain in head.
▶Health - the physical and mental condition of the body and it is free from illness and injury.
▶ Impediment - a physical defect that hinders normal or easy speech.
▶ Infection - a physical part that is infected (viral or bacterial).
▶ Internal - inside the organ.
▶ Obesity - being over weight.
▶Painkillers - medicine for dealing with pain.
▶Rehab - a course of treatment for drug or alcohol or any other dependence.
▶Side-effect - additional signs and symptoms that may arise as a result of a medicine or procedure
▶Sore throat - when the throat is inflamed causing pain when swallowing.
▶ Symptoms - as a result of an illness or disease you may experience pain or physical changes.
▶To break a habit - to stop doing something that is a habit, especially something bad or harmful.
▶ To diagnose - to recognise an illness by examining the patient.
▶ To stutter - to talk with a continued accidental repetition of sounds.
▶Virus - a harmful organism that spreads both minor and serious diseases.
▶X-ray - an image of the bones and organs of a person.
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